What about Privacy?

That’s one thing we value more than anything else, and that’s why you’d see that we only accept the candidate’s name, offer date, job location, PAN, Aadhar Phone, and email information.

The PAN and Aadhar information is optional.

You’d not see the details entered by any other HR, and no other HR would see the details entered by you.

For example:
HR1 enters:
Name: Abhishek Panchal
Mobile: 9898989898
email: abhishek@gmail.com

HR2 enters:
Name: Panchal Abhishek
Mobile: 9999999999
email: abhishek@gmail.com

HR3 enters:
Name: Abhishek
Mobile: 9898989898
email: abhishek.panchal@gmail.com

All the HRs will see only the offer date and location as the new details. None of the HRs will see the different phone, email or name entered by any other HR.