Why Are Candidates Switching Jobs Frequently?

There have been and will be ongoing shifts in the recruiting landscape. In the post-pandemic era, workers seek a more comprehensive range of perks and a competitive income. In this age of rapid technological advancement, recruiters need to stay up. 

A better work-life balance is desired by those who must juggle work and personal responsibilities. Many people could take advantage of working from home on more accommodating schedules because of the mandatory quarantines imposed during pandemics. 

For many employees, the idea of making a job shift is fuelled by the realisation that their present managers aren’t cutting it and aren’t appreciating the value their employees bring to the table. According to a recent poll by the market research company PlanBeyond, one of the top reasons individuals leave is because they feel underappreciated. 

The Great Resignation Will Continue in Slow Growth Job Market CNBC Report said that the massive shift in how workers feel about their jobs, which led to many resignations last year, shows no signs of stopping. Names like “Great Resignation,” “Great Reshuffle,” and “Great Reimagine” all apply to this current trend. Researchers think people will still change jobs a lot in 2022, even though job titles are becoming more creative. These past two years have forced many of us to reevaluate how and where we want to live and what we want to devote our valuable time to every day. Many individuals are rethinking their ideas about what constitutes professional success. 

When more than 47 million individuals left their jobs in 2021, that’s more than the whole population of Spain, and it wasn’t all because of wrath going or the necessity to stay home with kids. According to a study by Pew Research, over half of all working people who left their jobs that year did so to make a complete career shift. Many people had spoken about their own “epiphany moments,” or the moments when they realised they needed to make a dramatic change in their lives due to the pandemic conditions. For example, many dentists have switched to the beauty industry, and many successful playwrights have switched to educational policymaking.

 Will Changing Your Job Frequently Risk Your Resume? Is a candidate’s history of job hopping a red flag? According to Relay Payments’ chief people officer, Amy Zimmerman, job hopping is “more accepted than ever,” but a transition after less than a year is still “too rapid.” Numerous unfavourable indications are broadcast. First and foremost, your lack of dedication. Second, you aren’t persistent. It teaches me that when things get rough, the tough get moving. 

According to Zimmerman, the optimal frequency for job hopping is every two to three years; this demonstrates to employers that the applicant can “make a commitment and keep it.” While 18 months is the very least, three to five years is “great,” according to Jaya Dass, managing director of Randstad in Singapore and Malaysia.