Why are we doing this?

What moved us to do this?

Six years ago, we set up a company to target schools in the education industry with our RFID solution, and we got a decent amount of traction right within our first month of launch. 

As the company grew, we wanted more helping hands in manufacturing and software development.

Everything above looks perfect, isn’t it?

NO, we failed multiple times. 

With untimely deliverables, or our inability to provide manpower to the customer or even roll out the software updates on time. We sometimes lost deals based on our inability to recruit on time.

We saw candidates leave us for better offers, a standard market practice.

At times, we also saw candidates informing us that they couldn’t serve the notice and didn’t even want the experience letter !!

Very Strangely, we also saw candidates who did not join us after accepting offer letters from us or left the firm soon after joining. An employee took sick leave within two weeks of joining and worked for another company. One of the employees posted on WhatsApp that he had received an award from his (another) employer while still working with us!

Because of these frequent issues, we were forced to let a few of the customers go, didn’t receive the payment for some projects, or even stopped offering a few services from our portfolio. 

In some cases, the existing team believed we were asking them to work more, not recruit an additional workforce. Of the total 121 offers we rolled out in 6 years, 26 candidates joined!

So what did we do?

We hired agencies who charged us 2x to 2.5x for the opening. This relief provided timely support to our customers, but in the end, we couldn’t charge a higher amount from our customers, thus reducing our profitability.

On the 8th Sep, I saw Vani Kola’s tweet replying to Prashant Pitti’s tweet about hiring troubles. I scrolled some more and realised that this was such a common phenomenon. But then I also read Prashant’s tweet’s first line, which got me thinking about how a founder of a listed company can suffer when large companies buy out (roll out) the offer with the maximum amount for these job hoppers. 

I dig deep to understand that it’s not just small but some big companies who’ve been at the receiving end from the job hoppers. After all, why would someone not trade an offer when an employer is willing to pay more?

While the concern here is not the candidates receiving better offers or ditching the recruiters. It was something else.

The problem was that the recruiter was unaware of the candidate’s decision about not joining, ditching or (worse) seeing the candidate leave soon after joining.

The problem is serious because recruiters must source unique resumes fulfilling their needs. A simple screening process takes anywhere from 2-5 minutes. Take 40 resumes for a job opening, and you’re looking at 2-4 hours of screening time and a similar amount of calling the selected candidates. Getting the slot booked for candidates and aligning the interviewers is another task, but that pays once the candidate joins.

But when the new joiners’ D-day comes, there are many surprises.

Candidates don’t answer the calls, send sick leave emails, inform about extension of LWD with former employers, and sometimes ask for new joining dates.

The silver lining of all this – is good riddance of the disloyal candidates.

The tough part? 

Re-run the recruitment cycle.

2x burn for filling the position. 

What did we do?

We developed Outfox.

What does Outfox do?

Outfox lets recruiters know when and where candidates accept offers from other outfox participating employers.

So what?

Recruiters can re-plan their recruitment cycle before the candidate ditching plan if they see any candidate get a job offer from another company. 

With Outfox, Recruiters have a choice that they can now take informed decisions when they see a candidate trading offers.

Recruiters don’t have to keep looking for candidates for the same job opening for an unknown duration. That unknown duration is reduced because the HRs know precisely when the other HRs also check for disloyal candidates. 

End result: Recruiters can portray the accurate candidate joining information with the internal team.

If you think you would like to join the revolution and stop the job hoppers, download the outfox app today. 

Stop the madness.